Friday, October 28, 2011


So I actually found something I think is a decent subject for a web comic, and have made about a week's worth (updating 3 times a week). The drawing is still really basic, but like all web comic writers, I hope to get better. The characters are as follows:

James (me): An above-average intelligence high school senior with a lab under his basement. He created the AI Steve as a chess opponent that was human enough for him to beat. Failing this, he became the control program for the lab and all operations thereof.

Steve: (see above) Steve is a sentient AI whose chassis is made to look similar to David Tennant's doctor who outfit. Like all other AI chassis in the strip, his hair is molded, instead of strands. His holographic avatar was recently changed to a TRON theme at the request of his girlfriend. When bored he hacks apple and makes fun of programmers. He is dating Eva and has a weakness for vodka.

Eva: She was created by Google to distract Steve from hacking them and poking fun at their programmers and sysadmins. At the beginning of the strip she had recently received her first chassis, which was sent to the lab so she could upload her self into it and physically date Steve.

The Teams: The teams are a paramilitary group controlled by James. There are 6 made up of genetically augmented clones, Alpha (the best), Beta (the backups), Gamma (border patrol and bodyguards), Delta (the screw-ups), Epsilon (surveillance), and Omega (stoners/trainers)

Chantrey: One of James's friends, she controls George . . . to an extent.

George: Chantrey's . . .bodyguard? An imported Russian, fond of vodka, big, scary, strong, you get the picture.

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